
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Track 01 from the album: 'Conviction and Authority'


If she’s an island there’s a reef around
Upon which many ships have run aground
Ruined hulls that once were sound
On her beaches they abound

‘Mongst their survivors you can number me
As one who won't give up so easily
On the floodplain I sift through debris
Thrown up by the sea

I still remember my ship crashing through
The waves that hid the depths of oceans blue
I still remember what I meant to do
I still remember you …

If only you could find this place
You could laugh at me, right in my face
But that’s a pleasure won’t reward the chase
Conducted at a youthful pace

I still remember my ship crashing through
The waves that hid the depths of oceans blue
I still remember what I meant to do
I still remember you …

Life pulls us all to different destinies
Love and action, torpor and disease
Till such time and with such ease
She cuts that thread of memories


Written in 2012, these lyrics were set to music by Irish musician/producer John Cutliffe that same year. If you're interested to take it further, let me know and I'll forward a (single-track) demo to reference.

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